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A specialization course where we intrigue to find different designs of different products which are not present in the market thus creating demands and find spartial experience and interest of users which helps them in different categories. 

the product we intend to make is a toy ,basically which helps users ( designers to be particular ) to have a perspective that solves or gives them a base to think for thier design. 
A toy is an interesting object every user have thier own stories withing the toy which creates infinite no. of permutations and combinations of ideas for example , Toy story movie. Different toys with different features unlock different perspective that helps in designing and as product development different upgrades makes it even better. 


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In this toy we have made a basic mechanism of sliding , sliding different blocks of different designs provides different stories every time. 

This toy is a product of sliding mechanism where the mechanism holds the main formula for different configurations of the position of blocks. The mechanism is chosen because its simple and interesting to experiment with different material. 

While playing with this toy user can look for different angles and as the blacks are slided every time a new perspective is made up. Making different variables and developing the product by adding lights and various other materials can give different sence each time. 

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We have made different blocks of 5.3 cm * 5.3 cm  cuboid with different punctures and levels. These blocks will slide into different postion by X and Y axis.  there are 15 blocks 9 out of which are wood and 6 are resin.  


We have used acrylic sheets for slidding mechanism where there are 3 layers of the acrylic sheet staggered on each other but the second layer of the sheet will have 3 mm difference which will create a sliding surface . Apart from that there is a frame of 1.5 inch wide acrylic sheet and has similar staggering like the base of the blocks. The acrylic sheet is translucent in permiability. 


As the course conduct is about product designing its also important for marketing. This product doesnt have a single use for instance it can be used for puzzles, for designing, for increasing imagination etc . The product will undergo many upgradation as per suggestions and user interaction while will develope product further. This toy is mainly by sliding mechanism but when selling in market its introduced as a toy or a sort of playfull idea.


Process and working

about how did we reached to the final design.

At first we choose a mechanism as a base because thats how we were about to design our product based on the mechanism. The reason why we chose sliding mechanism was because it had various methods to achieve it like ball bearing , groves , channels etc. Sliding can be attained by interaction of surfaces, with different shapes one can achieve to slide and glide things .



We have made different blocks of 5.3 cm * 5.3 cm  cuboid with different punctures and levels. These blocks will slide into different postion by X and Y axis.  there are 15 blocks 9 out of which are wood and 6 are resin.  


We have used acrylic sheets for slidding mechanism where there are 3 layers of the acrylic sheet staggered on each other but the second layer of the sheet will have 3 mm difference which will create a sliding surface . Apart from that there is a frame of 1.5 inch wide acrylic sheet and has similar staggering like the base of the blocks. The acrylic sheet is translucent in permiability. 


As the course conduct is about product designing its also important for marketing. This product doesnt have a single use for instance it can be used for puzzles, for designing, for increasing imagination etc . The product will undergo many upgradation as per suggestions and user interaction while will develope product further. This toy is mainly by sliding mechanism but when selling in market its introduced as a toy or a sort of playfull idea.

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