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Disability Sensitization 

In this course we were to make people aware of different disability that causes people discomfort due to structures , rules and designing things just because it is not considered like for example, there are many just buildings yet where people who are wheelchair users find it difficult to access etc. 

Apart from this we learnt different ettiquets and morals that we need to keep in mind while approaching people with disability and vise a versa. 

What is disability?

Disabiity is a phenomenon where a border is created that resist the user to function or access particular like for eg, people who are unable to walk without any external support like wheelchair or handicap sticks such people have motor disability where the user is unable to walk or fuction normally. 

Disabilty can be created by space and forms by restricting people to use like using of waterbottles with respecct to people who doesn't have hands. Disabilty needs to be cured but there will always be some category of people who might have just left out but doesn't mean one should not consider people.

Types of disabilty 

There are different types of disabilties like :

  • Situational disability

  • Cognitive disability

  • Development disability

  • Physical disability , etc.


Etiquettes and formality

During the sessions we learnt many etiquttes and language that we should use while having anyone with any kind of disabilty because its important that we make sure we do not segregate or be partial towards them.  like for eg: 

 Say This

  • The Person has

  • Person with intellectual disability

  • Person without 

         Speech or nonverbal

  • Uses a wheelchair

  • The person is not disabled​

  • Has emotional disorder or mental illness

        Not That

  • The Person is afflicted with

  • Mentally retarded Person

  • Mute or Dumb

  • Is confined to a wheelchair; is wheelchair-bound

  • The person is normal

  • Crazy, Nuts, Insane

principals of universal design

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